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Showing posts from November, 2021

Puzzle #50: This Year, No Children (Cryptic)

 Holy cow, a cryptic! It's the one-year anniversary of this blog! Thanks to everyone who's solved any of my puzzles along the way. This week, to celebrate Half Baked's birthday, we're back in cryptic land. I feel like I learned a ton making this puzzle, and I hope at least some of that comes across in the clues.    A huge thanks to Steve , who has both easy and trickier cryptics on Square Pursuit, and k0rmad-- they both were invaluable in their help critiquing this puzzle, and it wouldn't be half as good without them. Any errors/mistakes are mine alone. This puzzle has a hidden theme! It's meant to be solved without any knowledge of the theme, so feel free to ignore it. If you'd like to try to puzzle it out, the first hint is the title. Hint #2: The grid is themed around a certain band/artist Show/Hide    (Theme explanation down below)  Best of luck in solving, and I'd love to hear your feedback! Constructing a cryptic is a lot of work, but very fun,...

Puzzle #49: Snack Break--Sponsored By Little Debbie

 Hello again! Today's puzzle is themed and should be fairly easy! Hope it goes down smooth for you. Thank you to Frisco for test-solving this week. .puz PDF   Solution Mmm, Oatmeal Creme Pies (not featured in this puzzle!)